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Creates a session to be used when submitting tx in the context of a users smart account.

Please carefully read the session information regarding Rules and how they should be constructed before building your Policy.


import { useCreateSession, useUserOpWait, Options } from "@biconomy/use-aa";
import { polygonAmoy } from "viem/chains";
import { encodeFunctionData, parseAbi, Hex } from "viem";
import React, { useEffect } from "react"
const CreateSession = ({ userSmartAccountAddress }: { userSmartAccountAddress: Hex }) => {
  const policy = [
      contractAddress: "0x1758f42Af7026fBbB559Dc60EcE0De3ef81f665e" as Hex,
      functionSelector: "safeMint(address)",
      rules: [
          offset: 0,
          condition: 0,
          referenceValue: userSmartAccountAddress,
      interval: {
        validUntil: 0,
        validAfter: 0,
      valueLimit: 0n,
  const { mutate, data: userOpResponse, error, isPending } = useCreateSession();
  const {
    isLoading: waitIsLoading,
    isSuccess: waitIsSuccess,
    error: waitError,
    data: waitData,
  } = useUserOpWait(userOpResponse);
  useEffect(() => {
    if (waitData?.success === "true") {
  }, [waitData]);
  const createSessionHandler = () =>
      options: Options.Sponsored,
  return (
      title={isPending || waitIsLoading ? "Loading..." : "Create a session"}


type SessionEpoch = {
  /** The time at which the session is no longer valid */
  validUntil?: number;
  /** The time at which the session becomes valid */
  validAfter?: number;
type Policy = {
  /** The address of the contract to be included in the policy */
  contractAddress: Hex;
  /** The address of the sessionKey upon which the policy is to be imparted */
  sessionKeyAddress: Hex;
  /** The specific function selector from the contract to be included in the policy */
  functionSelector: string | AbiFunction;
  /** The rules  to be included in the policy */
  rules: Rule[];
  /** The time interval within which the session is valid. If left unset the session will remain invalid indefinitely */
  interval?: SessionEpoch;
  /** The maximum value that can be transferred in a single transaction */
  valueLimit: bigint;
type UseCreateSessionProps = {
  /** The array of policy elements to be applied to the session. */
  policy: Policy[];
  /** The BuildUserOpOptions options. See for further detail */
  options?: BuildUserOpOptions;


type UserOpResponse = {
  userOpHash: string;
  wait(_confirmations?: number): Promise<UserOpReceipt>;
  waitForTxHash(): Promise<UserOpStatus>;

