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This tutorial provides insights into adjusting user operation gas values by a specified percentage.

Exercise caution when implementing this approach. It is recommended to use this only for urgent situations where gas estimates fall short for specific operations.

For instance, if gas estimates for verificationGasLimitOffsetPct and preVerificationGasOffsetPct are inaccurately low, this method allows for increasing these values by a defined percentage.

const encodedCall = encodeFunctionData({
    abi: parseAbi(["function safeMint(address _to)"]),
    functionName: "safeMint",
    args: [recipient]
const transaction = {
    to: nftAddress, 
    data: encodedCall
const { wait } = await smartAccount.sendTransaction(transaction, {
    gasOffset: {
        verificationGasLimitOffsetPct: 25, // 25% increase
        preVerificationGasOffsetPct: 9.80, // 9.80% increase
const {
    receipt: { transactionHash },
} = await wait()